At The Wellness Clinic at Lifequest we offer fun and energizing Aquatic classes as well as instruction through our Blue Dolphin Swim School! The certified class instructors provide support to achieve your wellness goals through aquatic exercise. Our swim school equips participants with the skills they need to be successful swimmers.
Fun class with a focus on strengthening core muscles, balance, flexibility, and cardio health.
Our 11 swim levels give children a platform to explore, grow and develop their swimming skills.
frequently asked questions
Levels in this swim program are divided by age and ability. If you are unsure of your child’s swimming proficiency, you may contact Lindsey Lish, our Aquatics Director, at 509-545-5191 ext. 121 or e-mail her at
Although it is possible to teach your children how to swim on your own, children are more susceptible to learning in a formal setting. Not only will kids progress at a faster rate, but they will also learn the correct technique without developing bad habits.
Our Parent-Tot classes starts as early as three months old. It has been proven it is a lot easier to teach an infant rather than a four or five year old who has already built up a fear to the water. However, taking the first step and enrolling a child of any age is the best possible gift you can give to your child. According to the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics), new evidence shows that children 1 to 4 may be less likely to drown if they have had formal swimming instruction.”
Learning to swim is the only sport that can save a child’s life. Drowning is the second leading cause of accidental deaths in children under the age of 14. Learning to swim can save their life.
Our lessons are 30 minutes; 25 minutes of group instruction, 2-3 minutes of safety talks in the hot-tub and 2-3 minutes of communication to parents regarding the lesson.
Children learn through repetition, they did not learn to say “Thank you” or “Please” the first time they were taught, or learn their ABC’s the first time you sung it to them, it took daily repetition for time on end before children learn these simple tasks. Swimming is a not as easy as ABC’s or “Thank you”, it is a very complicated motor skill and while we can train the brain to know what to do, it takes longer for the muscles to react to the movements required. Swimming is an ongoing experience with new skills being learned regularly to reach new goals.
A swimming suit, towel and goggles. If your swimmer is newly potty trained or not potty trained, a swim diaper is required. If your swimmer has longer hair please secure it in a ponytail or wear a swim cap. Long hair can block their airway when they roll over to breathe, which makes success harder in beginning swimmers.
If your swimmer is newly potty trained or not potty trained a swim diaper is required.
Parents may observe the lessons from the Observation Room. Parents are discouraged from being on the pool deck. We ask that you attempt to be minimally visible because your presence distracts the children. They often become more interested in watching you than listening to the instructor.